Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
3 min read
Spring is such a great time for Montessori work. There's so much you can do with items found in nature and it's a good excuse to slow down your walks, talking the time to explore and notice all the little details.
Most children going through the Sensitive Period for Small Objects (~3 months to 4 years) really enjoy noticing and collecting small items so many of these activities will satisfy that need.
Outdoor practical life work also satisfies children's needs for maximum effort work, where children use all of their mental and physical energy to complete a task.
2. Help with spring maintenance in the garden or yard.
Raking leaves, pulling weeds, or planting flowers are all great practical life activities. Add a wheelbarrow and you’ve got a great maximum effort activity.
Note that pulling weeds is only recommended for older toddlers+. Younger children may have trouble differentiating between weeds and flowers and it could end up frustrating having to correct them repeatedly.
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3. Spring Colour Hunt - go outside and look for something in each of the colours in the colour hunt page. Click the image below to download the colour hunt.
4. Make a bird feeder from an orange peel and watch the birds that come to eat.
To make the feeder:
1. Cut an orange in half and remove the fruit.
2. Cut four pieces of string, twine, or yarn, each about 10" long.
3. Tie a knot at the ends of each piece of string.
4. Poke 4 holes in an orange half.
5. Thread a string through the inside of each of the four holes so the knot is on the inside of the peel.
6. Tie the four pieces of string together at the top.
7. Fill peel with seeds and hang in your backyard.
6. Go for a walk and cut wild flowers for a flower arrangement. All you need are scissors, a basket, a small vase, and a funnel. Any flower or even dandelions will do.
Simply follow the child and let them show you what they think is beautiful, even if you end up with a bouquet or vase of dried leaves and tall grass :)
This is great for children 2.5+.
7. Paint with fallen objects in nature, i.e. small sticks, rocks, flowers, leaves, pinecones, etc. Talk a walk to collect items in nature. You can bring a small bag or basket so your child can collect and carry items independently. When you get home, set up a few washable paint options and a blank sheet of paper and let your child get creative.
8. Take a set of the Backyard Birds TOOBs outside (or explore them inside). Look for the different birds and identify their songs. You can also play with the figurines outside, i.e. sandbox, grass, etc.
9. Look for worms! After a rainfall, take a magnifying glass and popsicle stick (or small stick or let them use their hands) and dig through the mud for worms.
10. Play in the rain! Jump in puddles to explore cause and effect. This is also a great sensory and gross motor activity.
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