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Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
As your infant grows, they’ll be working on developing plenty of new skills that you can support them in, including:
1. Movement
Allow lots of time for free movement at this age. Whenever possible, lie them on a mat on the ground, giving them room to stretch, grab their feet, and attempt to roll. Lying next to a mirror is a favourite too. You can also hang items one at a time from a play gym for them to interact with, using their hands and feet.
2. Hand-eye coordination
Around 3 months, a baby can grasp onto an object that fits into their palms. They will bring it to their mouth to explore. They are strengthening their grasp and learning to manipulate objects with their hands.
3. Aural development
Your baby will also respond to sounds in the environment more and more, so a small bell in a rattle or metal rings are very attractive. A bell hanging on a ribbon provides a welcome opportunity for practicing batting.
4. Language
Your baby will continue to show more and more interest in your daily life. You can encourage this interest by telling them what you are doing and why. You can also have “conversations” with them by repeating the sounds they make.
At this age, simplicity is key. Everything is still so new and can be easily overwhelming for an infant. Choose simple materials and only offer 1-3 items out at a time.
The repetition of playing with the same items will not only provide comfort in consistency and order but it will help cement neural connections that are just forming at this age.
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