Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
3 min read
When I talked to Katie, our pre-casa teacher on staff and the creator of our at-home program, she reminded me they always do shelf rotation in the classroom WITH the children.
She explained that toddlers can be so sensitive to change. To take away their things in the night and completely change their environment is disorienting.
So we started doing it together, going through the closet and picking out new activities or toys he was excited to see again.
Yes, this did take much longer but something amazing happened....
He voluntarily suggested giving away some of this toys that he no longer wanted.
I've tried to talk to him before about donating or giving away things we no longer use but he's always been resistant to the idea.
It's likely he was thinking that it could be any toy at any point, and he has no say in the matter. Maybe thinking he'd go to bed one night and all his favourite toys would be gone.
Now he feels like he has control and understands the process.
After Christmas, when there was a bunch of new toys in the house, we went through the closet and he offered up half a dozen things he said he didn't want any more.
(Admittedly, I snuck a few of the baby toys into my closet for our new little one on the way. Who knows, maybe this will mean less fighting over his old toys with the new baby...)
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