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2 min read

Winter is a great time to do science experiments, especially when it's this cold in Toronto and you can't be outside for too long.When we spend more time indoors, children miss out on all the sensorial experiences of outdoor exploration - getting their hands dirty, stomping around in the mud, feeling the sunshine on their faces, etc.We can bring the sensory fun indoors with some simple science experiments.Not only does it satisfy a child's need for hands on learning but it's a great way to pique your child's interest in STEM.

Ice Melting Experiments

If you're not up for water and ice play this week, you can find 5 more children's science experiments here:
Our Montessori At-Home Program also has tons of science activities.

Infants Sitting Up (6 months+) - Explore Water At Different Temperatures

Explore water at different temperatures by offering two different bowls of water at different temperatures.

Add cool water to one bowl and warm water to the second bowl.

You can demonstrate putting your hand in the water.

If you're worried about the water spilling or just don't want too big of a mess, you can also add a small amount of water to baking trays.

You child can still explore the different temperatures and splash in the water but you won't have much clean up.

Toddlers - Ice Melting

Find some icicles outside (or just use ice cubes) and place them on a plate.

Provide your child with warm water in a small jug or in a bowl for them to transfer with an eyedropper.

Watch as the warm water slowly melts the ice. You can use this as an oppurtunity for language development by talking about how and why the warm water melts the ice.

Pre-K - Kindergarten - Toy Rescue

Find a medium to large tupperware container or bowl and freeze small toys (TOOBs are perfect) in water.

Once the water is frozen, remove it from the container, put it onto a baking tray, and allow your child to "rescue" their toys from the ice.

You can provide your child with warm water in a small jug or in a bowl for them to transfer with an eyedropper.

For an older child, you could also add a little bowl of salt water to transfer onto the ice and help it melt faster.

For children old enough to know about road salt, you further their understanding by comparing it to that process - salt is put onto the road, causing the ice to melt so our tires don't slip.

You could also offer them water at different temperatures and they can hypothesize and experiment to see which temperature makes ice melt the fastest.