Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
4 min read
After a long winter, summer is finally here. Time to spend some quality time with your little ones. Here is a list of 8 summer activities that you can do with them during the summer months.
1. Spot nature in the city. It's easy to think that nature is far from the city, but on the contrary. If we carefully look around us we can see that nature is everywhere. In all the gardens and the parks, but also in a flower growing on the sidewalk, in an insect crawling on a bench or in a bee buzzing near the traffic light.
Have a walk with your little one and invite them to collect or memorize all the proofs that nature is all around us.
Teach them the importance of nature.
2. Flower arranging. Flower arranging is great Montessori activity. Let your child go in the garden and pick some flowers. Let them explore their creativity and sense of beauty while using their coordination to cut and arrange beautiful bouquets.
Let them cut the stem, add water, take care of the flowers and observe how they evolve everyday.
Click here for our Flower Arranging Set, specially made for toddlers and preschoolers.
3. Make a bird feeder. There are plenty of DIY bird feeders on internet. Pick one and let your little ones use their hands to build it. Have them observe the birds using it. Describe what you see, how they use it: Can they reach the seeds? Do the squirrels also come eat?
Here is an example of a pine cone bird feeder found on
You will need: Pine Cones, String for hanging, Bird feed (from the pet store) and Peanut Butter (or any nut free substitute)
4. Pick up your own fruits. Summer is the perfect time to remind your little ones where the fruit and veggies they eat come from. Check out the farms near you and organize a fruit and veggies picking trip.
You'll find a lot of info here:
5. Make a Herbarium. Making an herbarium is a great way for kids to learn about botany. It will help your child get to know what plants look like, along with improving identification and crafting skills.
To make one you will need : A three-ring binder, heavy paper, tape for securing plants, a thick, heavy book or flower press, sheets of paper, plastic page protectors, and a pen.
3. Process to press: Line the pages of a heavy book with a couple pieces of paper. Place the plant you wish to press on the paper, being careful to spread out the plant. Put something heavy on top of the book and set it aside for 7 to 10 days to let the plants dry.
6. Create a Rainbow. Stand back to the sun, with a hose, preferably when the sun starts to go down and a rainbow should appear just above the spray of water from the hose when sunlight hits the water at the right angle. Engage a conversation about light with them and explain that the water from the hose refracts the beams of sunlight so that they separate into their different colours.
7. Sleep Under The Stars. Sleeping outdoors with your toddler is an incredible experience. Make sure to arrange a comfortable spot and observe the moon, the stars, the way the garden looks, listen to every noise you can. Write down all of their observations and feelings.
It is a good time to teach them about the universe, the planets, and stars.
8. Make a Photo Story of Insects. Teach them how to use a camera, turn the micro mode on, and let them try to find as many insects as they can in the garden (in the leaves, the grass, in the air, etc). Photograph all of them, print the pictures and stick them in a paperbook with their names, where they were found, etc.
There are many more activities that you can do with your little ones in the summer. Invite them to be curious and adventurous. Have fun!
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