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2 min read

The easiest way to crush a child's love of learning - a one-size-fits-all approach to education.

All children should NOT be learning:
  • the exact same way
  • on a set curriculum, solely based on age (i.e. you're 5 so you're ready to learn to read)

Doing this is a guaranteed way to turn a child's natural curiosity about the world and a passion for learning about it - into a painful chore.

What's so wonderful about Montessori is that it focuses on child-led learning - where a child's interests, curiosity, and pace guide the learning process.

And you can do this at home too, regardless of the school your child attends.

This is the ideal way to develop a lifelong passion for education and discovery.

Here's How To Take a Child-Led Learning Approach At Home

1. Activities Should Be Interest-Driven

Allow your child to do activities based on what naturally interests them. This could be anything from learning about colours to cars to preparing food.

Adapt the learning environment to explore these interests in-depth, supporting their natural curiosity.

You can also use your child’s interests to pique their interest with other types of activities. For example, if your child is interested in vehicles, use cars to teach colour-recognition, patterns, counting, enrich vocabulary (learning names of cars), etc.

2. Move at a Flexible Pace

Allow your child to take their time with a concept or activity, moving on only when they are ready. 

In a Montessori classroom, materials are not rotated off of the shelf until the teachers are certain that the children have gotten everything they can out of the activity, usually observed by children no longer choosing the activity.

3. Give Autonomy and Choice When Possible

Give your child the freedom to make decisions about what, how, and when to learn. This fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning journey.

4. Experiential Learning

Put an emphasis on hands-on experiences and real-world exploration. This helps solidify concepts and ideas through active engagement. This is a core aspect of the Montessori philosophy.

What are the benefits of child-led learning?

  1. Develops Intrinsic Motivation: When children are allowed to pursue their own interests, they are more motivated to learn. This intrinsic motivation leads to deeper engagement and a stronger commitment to the learning process.
  2. Development of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: As children explore topics that interest them, they naturally encounter challenges that require them to think critically and solve problems, fostering cognitive development.
  3. Builds Confidence and Independence: Making choices and directing their own learning helps children develop a sense of agency, boosting their confidence and fostering independence.
  4. Enhances Emotional and Social Development: A child-led approach helps children to feel seen by their parents (consider how it felt when you were a kid and your parents ignored your hobbies or interests).  When a child feels seen by their parents, caregivers and teachers, it builds their self-esteem, emotional security, and confidence.

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