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World Bee Day is just a few days away, on Monday, May 20, 2024. 

This is a day to raise awareness about the essential role that bees play in keeping people and the planet healthy, and about the many challenges that bees face today.

You can read more about World Bee Day on the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations here: https://www.fao.org/world-bee-day/en

In celebration of World Bee Day, we've created a bunch of Montessori bee and honey activities. 

The 5 activities below are for children ages one to three. You can find activities for children three to six here: https://themontessoriroom.com/blogs/montessori-tips/bee-activities-3-6-years

Bee Counting and Number Symbols

Recommended age: 2 - 3 

Purpose: To practice counting, recognition of number symbols, and develop fine motor skills (with option 1, below).

1.Print pages 2 and 3.

Option 1:
1. Cut out each individual box (4 per page).
2. Set out the boxes on a tray with a basket of clothes pins.
3. Have your child count each set of items in a box
4. Once they know the quantity, have them identify the correct number symbol below and use a clothes pin to clip it on that number.

Option 2:
1. Offer your child the activity, one page at a time.
2. Have your child count each set of items in a box.
3. Once they know the quantity, have them identify the correct number symbol below and use a pen/pencil to circle the correct number.

Honey Tasting

Recommended age: 18 months + (Health Canada recommends to only give honey to healthy children over one year of age.)

Purpose: To learn the practical skill of spreading while exploring the taste of honey.

Instructions: Offer a small amount of honey in a bowl with a spreader and toast or crackers.

Plant a Bee-Friendly Garden

Recommended age: Once they show an interest in gardening, i.e. 18 months - 2 years+

Purpose: To develop an interest in caring for the outdoor environment and the insects that benefit from pollinator plants.


1. Work together to plant flowers that will attract pollinators, like bees.  You can do this in an area of the garden that you can dedicate to pollinators or in a large pot with soil. Demonstrate how to carefully remove plants from containers, dig a hole in the soil, put the plant into the hole, and cover it back up. 

Ideally, you would offer child-sized gardening tools

Note: native pollinator-friendly plants will vary by region so do a quick Google search to find the best options for your area. 

2. Once the flowers are in bloom, take time to observe the different insects that stop by for food, to rest or lay their eggs. In the classroom, we would encourage the children to observe with their hands behind their backs to avoid the temptation to reach out and disturb the busy bugs. I found taking time to observe also helped children to not be afraid of bees and other insects.

“Nectar” Transfer

Recommended age: 2 years +

Purpose: To learn how bees collect nectar (they suck it up just like the eyedropper does). This activity also has all the same benefits of transfer activities - developing hand strength, coordination, and concentration.


1. Set up a small container of water and colour it yellow with food colouring or bath tints

2. Set out an empty ice cube tray or bubble popper (or any container with multiple compartments so that it resembles a hive) and an eyedropper

3. Encourage your child to take the "nectar" from the bowl (aka flower) and add it to the hive, like bees. 

You can also talk to your child about what real nectar is - a sugar-rich liquid produced by plants to attracts pollinators (bees, butterflies and moths, hummingbirds, etc). 


  • This would be a fun activity to do outside on a warm day to minimize mess
  • You could also do it on a larger scale with a bigger bowl of water and multiple bowls arranged into the shape of a hive, leaving some distance between the “nectar” and “hive” so the child has to move (or fly) to bring the nectar over.

Bee Dot Marker Activity

Recommended ages: 2-5

Purpose: Fine motor skills development, concentration, art exploration


1. Use Dot Markers, stickers, or pom poms to fill in the circles.