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2 min read

Summer solstice is coming up on June 20th.

This is the day with the longest amount of daylight in Canada (and for the rest of the Northern Hemisphere).

This is also when summer begins ☀️

While young children have difficulty understanding how and why the seasons change, you can introduce the concept of seasons - and the weather that comes along with them.

An understanding of seasons will help children independently choose appropriate clothing for the weather, i.e. 'it's snowing so I need mittens and a jacket'.

It will also help pique an interest in the natural world - why the weather changes, why the weather is different in different parts of the world, why it's darker in the winter, etc

We've put together four wonderful activities to learn about the seasons and weather.

Four Activities to Learn About The Seasons

Seasonal Sorting Activity

This activity helps children learn about the seasons by sorting items into one of four categories - winter, spring, summer, and fall.

Features 4 pages of real life photos that can be sorted. Two control sheets are included so children can check their work.

Weather and Clothes Activity

A great activity for helping children understand the different seasons and how to choose the correct clothing for the weather.

By drawing a line from the clothing to the weather you'd wear it in, this activity also helps to develop the pencil grip.

Recommended age: 2.5 - 4

Summer Sensory Walk

Take time on your walk and connect with all your senses by observing what you see, smell, hear, feel, and taste.

We know children from 0-6 years old are sensorial explorers so this is a fantastic activity for that age group.

The Summer Sensory Walk printable is a great way to organize your findings.
  • Younger children can report to you what they're experiencing
  • Slightly older children can draw their findings
  • Older children can write or draw everything independently
You can also ask your child if summer looks/sounds/feels/smells different than spring to draw attention to the change in seasons.

Recommended age: 0 - 6

The Sun's Path - Sequencing Cards

Learn about the path of the sun, from east to west, by ordering the cards from sunrise to sunset. A control sheet is included.

Recommended age: 5+

Looking for more printables and activities?

Check out our Free Montessori Printables page here:

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