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2 min read

The Pink Tower is one of those iconic Montessori materials that parents often ask about.

If you've ever wondered what this material is for and if you should purchase one, here's a quick explanation >

What is it?

The Pink Tower consists of ten pink cubes, in a gradient of sizes from 10cm x 10cm x 10cm to 1cm x 1cm x 1cm.

What is the purpose?

Arranging these cubes into an ordered tower develops the child’s visual discrimination of length, width and height, builds concentration, and satisfies their sense of order.

Doing so also provides a sensory foundation for the understanding of mathematical concepts in the decimal system, geometry, and volume.

Why is it pink?

"Maria Montessori is said to have experimented with different colors, pink being chosen most frequently by the children with whom she was working." Revisiting the Pink Tower: A Pillar of Pedagogical Ingenuity (amshq.org)

Why age is it appropriate for?

It's introduced in the Casa Classroom, ages 3 years and up.

Should you buy one for your child?

Probably not, unless you're home schooling.

The Pink Tower is not a set of blocks. It has a specific purpose and way of being presented to the child.

Yes, the child can explore the cubes but they are meant to be shown how to build them into a tower from largest to smallest. It's not meant to be used for open-ended play.

If you’re looking for an at-home alternative, nesting blocks are a good way to help your child understand size gradation with more opportunities for play: Nesting Cubes & 3 Marine Animals

Curious about the use of other Montessori materials? Send us an email to contact@themontessoriroom.com and we'll write about them in a follow-up post.