Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
2 min read
Sequencing cards are fantastic for language development.
If you haven't used them before, sequencing cards are a set of images that show the beginning middle and end of an activity, like in the snowman cards shown here.
They help children to understand words like before/after and first/last, as well as support the development of storytelling skills.
They're also a fun way to:
You can click here to download a set of 4 different sequencing card sets, including eating an apple, making a snowman, and growing an oak tree.
For younger children, include fewer cards, i.e only use cards 1, 3, and 5 in the "Eating an Apple Sequence". You can also use the Simple Snowman Sequence with 4 cards, instead of the set with 7, which has more detail and steps.
And if your child enjoys these, we also have a set of daily routine cards for visually planning your day >
It's Too Many Activities!
If you're subscribed to our newsletter, you know that we send out an activity every week or two. You get even more if you're part of our at-home program.
It can feel like an overwhelming amount of activities. I get it.
BUT we don't want you to them all!
Once you understand the reason behind an activity, it can be easy to find ways to incorporate it naturally into daily life, instead of printing, cutting, gluing, demonstrating, etc.
Instead of using the sequencing cards, take turns making up a story at bedtime rather than reading a book or give your child the book to "read you a story", allowing them to make up the story based on the images.
Instead of doing the Winter Scavenger Hunt, play Eye Spy on a walk.
Instead of using a Language Mat, find items around the house that are purple or start with M.
Instead of the Snowflake Matching activity, talk about items that are bigger or smaller than other items.
Sometimes it's fun to have a new activity but don't feel pressured to do them all. These emails are supposed to be enjoyable and helpful, not stressful!
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