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1 min read

I just wanted to share a fun sorting activity we created over the weekend - What Goes Together.

Sorting activities are great for young children because they're in their sensitive period for order and sorting objects helps them to create order.

It helps children make sense of the world by identifying similarities and differences.

This particular activity is also great for language development.

Simply print out the PDF and cut out each card. In total there are 10 matches. For younger children, start by offering just 2-3 matches. This will help them understand the activity without overwhelming them.

You can also use the cards to play a matching game, placing the cards facedown.

Let me know if your child enjoys them!

If you're looking for more printables, check out our free Montessori printables page.

And f you're looking for more Montessori activities, check out our at-home program here: https://info.themontessoriroom.com/at-home-2/