Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
2 min read
As summer winds down and we prepare for fall... one thing on many parent's minds (including mine!) is class and extracurricular signups for fall.
Between the swimming, kindie music, gymnastics, soccer, piano, lego building classes, chess club, etc, there's practically an unlimited amount of program options.
They all look fabulous on the websites and it's easy to see how your child will benefit, BUT it can reach a point where it's too much - for everyone.
Committing children to too many activities, known as overprogramming, has become a hot topic in child development the last few years.
While all of these activities can be enriching experiences, over scheduling can also have negative effects on a child's mental and physical health.
The most important factors for a child's healthy development, more important than trying a ton of extracurriculars, is getting enough sleep and eating well.
So give yourself some grace if you feel bad about missing that recent hockey or swimming sign up. Focus on what's important for your child's overall growth and wellbeing.
When things are already very busy at home for other reasons, caring for an aging parent, work is busier than usual, etc, extracurriculars can take a backseat for a session or two.
When choosing activities:
It's such a challenge to hold back on over scheduling when you feel like your child is the only one who isn't in some popular activity. I struggle with this constantly.
But it's good to remind ourselves that if our families are over scheduled, everyone becomes irritable, sleep deprived, and everything just feels harder. It's not worth it to try and squeeze in one more activity.
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