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Nienhuis - Sandpaper Letters

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Lowercase Sandpaper Letters (print or cursive) for introducing letter shapes and their phonetic sounds. Tracing these letters provides the child a multi-sensory learning experience which forms the perfect foundation for writing and reading.

Uppercase Sandpaper Letters (print or cursive) for introducing uppercase letters to a child who has already mastered lowercase. Paired with the lowercase Sandpaper Letters, these provide the child the ideal introduction to the shapes of uppercase letters.

Each Sandpaper Letter set is made up of consonants on boards painted pink, and the vowels on boards painted blue. Each board has a space on the left and right for the child to steady it with one hand while tracing the letter with the other.

Made by Nienhuis and certified AMI-approved.

These materials are classroom quality and designed to withstand regular use over extended periods in home-learning and school environments.

Please note:  Each set and box are sold separately 

Lowercase Letters are recommended for ages 3 years +

Uppercase Letters are recommended for ages 4.5 years +

Lowercase Print SKU: 005405

Lowercase Cursive SKU: 0054B4

Uppercase Print SKU: 005705

Uppercase Cursive SKU: 0057B4

Sandpaper Letters Box SKU: 0057A0

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