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Winter Sale Is On Now. FREE Shipping to all Canadian provinces on orders over $149. All prices in CAD
As your infant continues to grow, they’ll be working on developing and strengthening new skills they've acquired that you can support them in, including:
Talk to your baby about what's going on around them and what you're doing. Include them in conversations and make time for them to respond with gestures and sounds. During this period the child discovers that words have meaning so provide names for things at every opportunity.
The child continues to need lots of time for free movement. They will continue to spend time on their back, tummy, rolling over, etc. but will gradually become more mobile through scooting, crawling, etc. The materials available to the child should be safe and encourage movement. They may also begin to show an interest in wanting to sit up while they play. Parents can support the baby in sitting up by sitting behind them and placing the infant between their legs, gradually developing the strength to sit independently.
During this time of development, the infant will develop more control over their hands and fingers. As they learn what their hands are capable of they will begin to show more of an interest in holding objects with one or both hands or transferring objects from one hand to the other. Their fine motor skills will become more refined and they will show an interest in handling smaller objects.
Sounds in the environment will continue to be of interest to the infant and their interest in exploring cause and effect grows. Introduce different forms of music and instruments to play with and explore.
At this age, simplicity and order are important. Limit the number of materials available to the infant, i.e. less is more, and keep them organized and accessible. As they grow and learn to move on their own, they will move toward the toys they want to explore.
Repetition leads to mastery so the toys provided at this age should invite simple and repetitive movements, both fine motor and gross motor movements.
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