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1 min read

My youngest hit a new, very subtle milestone last week.

He grabbed my full 2L water bottle off the ground and carried it around the living room, grunting and proudly smiling at his success.

In Montessori, this strange little obsession that toddlers and young children have with carrying heavy objects is known as Maximum Effort.

This is when the child is engaged in "heavy work", their efforts are heightened and they appear determined and focused.
Maximum effort is a time of pure determination and we (the adults) should pay careful attention to never interrupt (unless dangerous, of course).

If you've noticed your child showing an interest in lifting, pushing, or carrying heavy objects, then this is a great time to explore maximum effort work.

And spring and summer is great time to do just that because there's so many opportunities for heavy work outside, like watering plants with a full watering can, carrying buckets of sand, and raking.

Go here to check out our post from last summer on heavy work activity ideas: https://themontessoriroom.com/blogs/montessori-tips/12-activities-for-where-children-can-use-maximum-effort