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2 min read

"There is no description, no image in any book that is capable of replacing the sight of real trees, and all the life to be found around them, in a real forest. Something emanates from those trees which speaks to the soul, something no book, no museum is capable of giving."
- Dr. Maria Montessori
Nature is an important part of Montessori education.

Dr. Montessori felt that children must have contact with nature to understand and appreciate the order of the world.

But with the cold weather, it can be less enjoyable to spend as much time outdoors.

So here's 8 ways that Montessori classrooms bring nature indoors:

1. Care for Indoor plants - buy potted plants that children can observe, grow, and care for. Here's a list of child friendly ones (tolerant of too much and too little watering): https://themontessoriroom.com/blogs/montessori-tips/check-out-this-list-of-child-friendly-plants

2. Collect items found in nature and use for crafts - bring a small bag or basket on a walk and collect fallen items. Use them in a nature collage (nature items, glue and paper), to add to a playdough tray, paint rocks, or to paint with, i.e. use twigs or leaves as paint brushes.

3. Flower arranging activity - a wonderful activity that also makes the space more beautiful.

4. Make a Nature Tray - collect items found in nature and add them to a tray when you get home with a magnifying glass - this was a really popular activity in the classroom, the children were constantly adding to it.

5. Set up an area near a window for observing nature - hang a bird feeder outside (yes, you can set up a winter bird feeder!) the window, add some binoculars.

6. Offer natural materials
- Montessori classrooms mainly use items made from natural materials (wood, glass, metal, etc). Not only are natural materials typically well made but they help to connect the child to nature.

7. Art - display art at your child’s eye line that depicts the natural environment, this could be a painting or a photograph.

8. Playing nature sounds - great for periods when your child is quietly playing or during snack - bird sounds, rain storms, ocean waves, rustling leaves, etc. You can find a variety of options on Youtube Music or Spotify.