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Frozen Treat Moulds - Pack of 4

In Stock At Our Store In Toronto (2229 Danforth Ave.)

1 item left

A great first "recipe" for children is smoothie popsicles. 

Simply make your favourite smoothie recipe in the blender, pour into the moulds, and let freeze. 

They're healthy and it's a great way to involve children in the kitchen. 

We love Bulle Frozen Treat Moulds because:

  • Attached cap
  • 100% Food-grade silicone
  • Nontoxic, free of BPA, phthalates, cadmium, and lead
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Durable and stain resistant, it is an ecofriendly accessory!
  • Silicone does not allow the development of bacteria

Dishwasher safe.

Includes 4 Assorted Colours: Orange, Red, Pink, and White

Click here to view our entire collection of Kitchen Practical Life Materials.

The moulds are made to go in the freezer. Avoid overfilling as the liquid will expand as it freezes. Do not use if damaged. A child should never be left using this accessory without supervision. 


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